Friday, 16 November 2012

Forever wanting to be a Vampire...

so last night the phenomenal Twilight Saga came to a close (not be confirmed yet, lets still have hope for another book and film.). 

so being all excited i was determined to go see the last installment but i didn't just go see the last one, i went to the Complete Twilight Saga. which if you did not know is all the Twilight films back to back until the last one which was shown at 5 past midnight. 
you think oh you idiot why did you sit in the cinema for that long (11 and half hours!) but to be honest i love these films and i always end up sitting then going, i want to be a vampire. well anyways as time flew by and all of the 4 films had been watched, it came to the countdown for the new one, the whole atmosphere was electric, this film that us Twilight fans have waited to see for over a year and we knew that we would be able to see it in under 5 minutes time. 60 seconds countdown began and everybody ran to their sits and it got to 10 - 9 - 8 every body was shouting the numbers counting down with it. 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1.... 

honestly the film was brilliant and it did the book justice but i will not spoil it for anybody else who has seen it but is reading this now. but seriously if your not a twilight fan go watch this, this will make you turn and you'll see why these films are adored all over the world.

the emotional you'll feel during the first half is that it will make you laugh, smile, happy to see that Bella has got her way in life. but the last half is the most shocking and heart in mouth i have ever felt in a movie, and honestly was just in shock the whole last 45 minutes of the film! 

Go Watch it and Enjoy it! 

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